Christ is our Good Shepherd. 

You're invited into God's Green Pastures, where goodness and mercy follow after you; all the days of your life. 

Gather with us

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. 
Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
2465 N. Main St. #14
Sunset, UT 84015
(the old Liberty Christian Church) 
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. 
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake...

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. 
[Psalm 23:1-3, 6]


doctrinal distinctions

Law-Gospel Distinction
We uphold the distinction between Law and Gospel, emphasizing its crucial role in understanding and applying Scripture in the life of every believer. This theological principle clarifies how God’s commands and promises work together in our faith journey. 
Gospel-Centered Pulpit
We typically have expositional preaching from our pulpit, but with an even higher priority- we are Gospel committed. We desire for every sermon to point sinners to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"We preach not to fill our churches, but to save sinners from Hell, and the two are not the same." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Christ-Centered Hermeneutic
Our approach to interpreting Scripture is grounded in a Christ-centered hermeneutic. This means that we seek to understand and interpret the entirety of the Bible in light of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Christ is the central figure, and we believe that the Old and New Testaments find their ultimate meaning and fulfillment in Him. 
Priesthood of all Believers
We uphold the priesthood of all believers, emphasizing that every member of the church has a unique and significant role to play in the body of Christ. This theological commitment encourages a sense of shared responsibility, ministry, and service among all believers, highlighting the idea that each person is called to be a minister and ambassador for Christ. This plays out in our services, where we challenge the congregation to share during the Sunday Gathering.

The 5 Solas
We stand firmly on the foundation of the five solas of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Fide (faith alone), Sola Gratia (grace alone), Solus Christus (Christ alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone). These solas serve as key doctrinal pillars that shape our understanding of salvation, faith, and the Christian life.
High View of Sacraments
We maintain a high view of the sacraments, recognizing them as means of grace instituted by Christ. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are not mere symbols but are channels through which God communicates His grace to believers. We approach the sacraments with reverence, viewing them as sacred and significant acts that deepen our communion with God and express our identity as the body of Christ.

Gathering values

God Exalting & God Glorifying
We desire for every church gathering to seek to bring glory and honor to our God. 

Christ-Centered and Gospel Driven
Every time we gather, we should be Christ-centered and Gospel driven. The Gospel isn't an "add-on," rather, it is the foundation for everything we do. 
Scripture Governed & Scripture Saturated
We believe the Bible is the Word of God. Because of this, we devote ourselves to the "public reading of Scripture." We believe the church has much to gain in hearing the Word of God throughout the service, not just during the sermon. 
Spirit Empowered and Spirit Led
The Holy Spirit was given to the bride. We believe each Christian has received the Holy Spirit and should come to church, not as a spectator but as a participant. We each have a gift, a word, a song to share. We desire for the Holy Spirit to be active in all facets of our ministry. 
Church Aware & Church Prioritized
Why gather if just to observe a song and a sermon? The church is a calling out and a gathering of like-minded believers. We desire in every church gathering for our leaders and members to be aware of the priority God places on growing (together), praying (together), worshiping (together), sharing burdens (with each other), and fellowshipping (together). We desire to prioritize the horizontal aspect of church in our community.